Wednesday, 8 May 2024

 ♡ Becoming that girl 

I believe that your life starts when you start finding happiness in yourself. Everything before that is preparation, and everything after is maintenance. It’s easy for me to tell you this, and maybe for a few minutes you’ll think about it and decide to go out more or take up a new hobby. This is not what I want from you. Becoming that girl, the popular girl, the pretty girl, doesn’t happen after one ab workout. It doesn’t happen after a week of going to the gym, or a year of eating healthy breakfasts. In fact, you can be the prettiest girl with the most Pinterest worthy life, and you still won’t be popular. Being that Girl does not come down to only one thing. It’s a mindset, a lifestyle, and you’re either born with it, like the girls who have been popular since primary, or you dedicate your time to developing the essential skills and habits I will teach you in this blog. After years of trying and eventually succeeding, I will teach you everything you need to know in this blog.

Y'know that feeling when you’re added to a popular girl’s close friends' story, or invited to a party with someone who you have spent hours stalking their socials? If you don’t, it's a feeling of pure bliss. A rise of excitement making you feel like you’ve made it in life. Wouldn’t it be great if you could feel that every single day? To live a life of pure popularity and happiness seems like it could only be a dream. Good thing this can be achieved by anyone with the right mindset, and the fact that you’re here reading this means you are. You do not need money, looks or chill parents to be popular. All you need is determination and willpower. This is only the start, my first post on BecomingThatGirl, and by the time I’m finished, you will be the best version of yourself possible. See you next week, 

Abby x

 ♡  Becoming that girl   ♡ I believe that your life starts when you start finding happiness in yourself . E verything before that is prepar...